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meta dialog

The discussion was started by Ivdad Ahmed Khan Mojlish about where Bangladesh stands within the global economy, particularly focusing on the MSME landscape to set the context and points of discussion. We describe our work on human-computer cooperative dialogue, that uses special “active” logics in an attempt to more closely – and more usefully – model human behavior. This effort pays attention to a number of issues, including Gricean pragmatics, logical nonomniscience, reasoning with inconsistent data, limited memory, blending in new information during reasoning, and models of human communication competence. Both the new materialists and some process theologians share a conception of matter as having feelings, a form of panpsychism.

meta dialog

Furthermore, the study used MeTA as a case study to confirm the factors which limit civil society engagement in multi-stakeholder dialogue. The study used in-depth interviews to explore three key themes relevant to the variations seen in CSO engagement within MeTA; (1) local political environment (2) power imbalances and (3) agenda setting/gatekeepers. The study also allowed for the emergence of new themes in order to gain a deeper understanding and identify where improvements might be made.

“Report as present” dialog says I’ll be marked as “absent” rather than “present”

We consult and collaborate with development partners, the public sector, and private organizations to promote inclusive economic growth that positively changes the lives of people at scale. Being a data-driven and transparent organization, we believe in democratizing knowledge and information among the stakeholders of the economy to drive inclusive growth. The policy dialogue then proceeded towards more focused discussions regarding educating women about digital tools.

At LightCastle, we take a systemic and data-driven approach to create opportunities for growth and impact. The basic dialog window is an overlay positioned within the viewport and is protected from page content (like select elements) shining through with an iframe. It has a title bar and a content area, and can be moved, resized and closed with the ‘x’ icon by default. Meta Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for meta-discussion of the Stack Exchange family of Q&A websites.

A multivariate causality test of carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption and economic growth in China

The optional rationale argument will show a dialog prompt only if necessary – otherwise the normal permission prompt will appear. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Modal dialogs trap focus from the pages point of view (makes everything else on the page inert). But we don’t want to prevent the user from interacting with the browser chrome just because a page has called dialog.showModal, that’d be pretty user hostile.

  • CK carried out the interviews and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
  • The study also allowed for the emergence of new themes in order to gain a deeper understanding and identify where improvements might be made.
  • We propose Deep Transferable Q-Network (DTQN) to

    utilize shareable low-level signals between domains, such as dialogue acts and


  • Contrary to the existing literature, capacity was not seen as a barrier to engagement, it was however frequently referenced and therefore an overview of respondents’ views of capacity is also presented.
  • The issue of gatekeepers and agenda setting as a barrier to policy engagement was most commonly raised regarding government officials and the position they hold within MeTA.
  • In some cases the disproportionate influence of government officials outside of MeTA was reported as influencing which conversations were conducted within MeTA.

This study enriches previous findings by providing insights into civil society participation in multi-stakeholder dialogue, specifically the MeTA initiative. The results inform practical recommendations for MeTA and future multi-stakeholder programmes tasked with improving policy on the access, availability and affordability of medicines. Of the three main themes explored, political environment was deemed especially important, and the ultimate deciding factor for effective collaboration. In addition, where governments offer an open consultation process to civil society, engagement is higher than in political systems in which governments regularly block policy consultations or changes proposed by civil society. Prior research has shown that a lack of civil society capacity can seriously impact civil society’s ability to engage with policy [16].

The emissions, energy consumption, and growth nexus: evidence from the commonwealth of independent states

In reality, actors in a network may come together because of disagreements over the presence of a solution to certain issues. The practice of collaboration has long demonstrated that multi-stakeholder partnerships and relationships are often fraught, with many facing significant setbacks in delivering the resources or outcomes originally stated. Even where preliminary milestones have been achieved, multi-stakeholder groups often still experience collaborative inertia which can have significant effects on outputs [27]. In light of these challenges, MeTA serves as an interesting case study to explore how civil society are encouraged or prevented from voicing opinions and influencing policy in a meaningful way without assuming shared agendas.

meta dialog

Study participants consisted of members of MeTA, which included representatives from government, the private sector and civil society. In-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted to identify perceptions around the barriers to civil society engagement in the multi-stakeholder process. Interviews were guided by a conceptual framework exploring the three main themes of the political environment, relative stakeholder strength and agenda setting/gatekeepers. Interviews were structured to enable additional themes to emerge and be explored. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a general inductive approach. Despite the limited literature, a number of questions are raised which recognise the influence of factors external to CSOs, such as a highly political policy environment, fear of political opposition and government suspicion [20–22].

Electricity use and economic development

In his brief preface to Adventures of Ideas, Whitehead provides a rare window into how he conceived of his own work. “The three books—Science and The Modern World, Process and Reality, Adventures of Ideas—are an endeavour to express a way of understanding the nature of things…. Each book can be read separately; but they supplement each other’s omissions or compressions” (AI vii).

  • Model does not learn to classify specific category but learning pattern to distinguish inputs.
  • To ensure anonymity, names, place of work, or any other identifying information was removed, and a unique code number was assigned to each transcript.
  • In-country CSOs are focused on health in different ways – as service providers, advocates for rights, or providers of care and support for people with specific health problems.
  • However, capacity-building strengthening activities carried out by MeTA did not have any effect on engagement [15].
  • In experiments, our model

    outperforms baseline models in terms of both success rate and dialogue

    efficiency on the multi-domain dialogue dataset MultiWOZ 2.0.

  • The issues appeared to be more driven by the domestic, social and political context.

This process demonstrates that a stakeholder is responsible for a particular issue and issue acceptance occurs when the issue is championed by at least one major player in the wider network [18, 19]. However, where some actors have more power over decision-making than others, it is likely that CSO perspectives fade into the background if they contradict the policy plans of these gatekeepers. Equally, where the political environment does not welcome the inclusion of civil society opinions (e.g. where engagement is sporadic or where government officials have their own agendas) the likelihood of issue acceptance is threatened. In the case of MeTA, issue acceptance occurs at the internal level of MeTA and at the level of MeTA-government relations. The complex relation between energy use and the economic process has long attracted attention. Issues such as the scarcity of energy resources, energy theory of value, degrowth and a-growth approaches are closely related to the relationship between energy and development.

Modeling Time and Meta-Reasoning in Dialogue Via Active Logic

Conversely, the position of civil society is at its strongest within MeTA when the process of issue formation was closest to the principle of collaborative governance [24, 25]. That is, where stakeholders representing different interests make policy decisions or recommendations to a final decision-maker who does not substantially change consensus recommendations. Unequal power dynamics and relative stakeholder strength outside of MeTA were seen to hamper civil society engagement on a number of levels. Firstly, where the private sector has more influence than civil society due to a higher degree of political currency in consultations or the ability to leverage monetary resources, civil society are disadvantaged. The powerful position of other stakeholders such as procurement officers, hospital heads and government officials were also cited as an issue.

meta dialog

We train a dialog system model using multiple rich-resource single-domain dialog data by applying the model-agnostic meta-learning algorithm to dialog domain. The model is capable of learning a competitive dialog system on a new domain with only a few training examples in an efficient manner. The two-step gradient updates in DAML enable the model to learn general features across multiple tasks. We evaluate our method on a simulated dialog dataset and achieve state-of-the-art performance, which is generalizable to new tasks. Dialog policy determines the next-step actions for agents and hence is

central to a dialogue system. However, when migrated to novel domains with

little data, a policy model can fail to adapt due to insufficient interactions

with the new environment.