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meta dialog

If I am correct, one of the most important concepts in process thought is virtually absent from Whitehead’s magnum opus, Process and Reality. I suggest that the single most important “omission” remedied by Adventures of Ideas is the claim that beauty is the one self-justifying aim of the universe, that “The teleology of the Universe is directed to the production of Beauty” (AI 265). Though there are notable exceptions, surprisingly few process scholars have recognized and embraced the significance of this claim.

The issues appeared to be more driven by the domestic, social and political context. Few scholars have tackled the question of what accounts for the variation in civil society engagement beyond capacity issues. Explanations are likely to be insufficient if they do not engage with the reality of the multi-stakeholder process and the dynamics which push and pull decisions and issues both inside and outside of CSOs in different directions. This ‘push and pull’ can be conceptualised as issue emergence and the twin steps of the construction and acceptance of problems as issues. The construction of issues, which consists of definition and framing of a problem, is a key part of issue networks and are logically prior to decisions on issues and solutions championed by networks.

Crash Data

We propose Deep Transferable Q-Network (DTQN) to

utilize shareable low-level signals between domains, such as dialogue acts and

slots. We decompose the state and action representation space into feature

subspaces corresponding to these low-level components to facilitate

cross-domain knowledge transfer. Furthermore, we embed DTQN in a meta-learning

framework and introduce Meta-DTQN with a dual-replay mechanism to enable

effective off-policy training and adaptation. In experiments, our model

outperforms baseline models in terms of both success rate and dialogue

efficiency on the multi-domain dialogue dataset MultiWOZ 2.0. Interview responses revealed key variations and similarities in the factors viewed as facilitating and inhibiting civil society participation. Contrary to the existing literature, capacity was not seen as a barrier to engagement, it was however frequently referenced and therefore an overview of respondents’ views of capacity is also presented.

  • It is, generally accepted that an engaged civil society is central to true democratic legitimacy and promoting accountability [11–14].
  • Equally, where the political environment does not welcome the inclusion of civil society opinions (e.g. where engagement is sporadic or where government officials have their own agendas) the likelihood of issue acceptance is threatened.
  • In GIA, while the general (or overarching) themes are derived from the research objectives (deductive feature), more specific categories/themes arise from the data (inductive feature) [21].
  • Collecting and annotating training data for these new tasks is costly since it involves real user interactions.
  • Whilst being a global alliance, countries were encouraged to shape their structures, priorities and work programmes within existing frameworks to ensure the project would be country led and as sustainable as possible.
  • It is argued that multi-sectoral networks should be embedded in a pluralistic system of accountability, making use of a combination of accountability, as outlined by Benner and colleagues [27].

In that chapter a hypothesis that there is a relationship between the range of moral considerability and what is held to be of intrinsic value is also tested. In Chapter Four I provide a critique of the attempts mentioned in Chapter Three to create or refute a new environmental ethic. There I argue that comprehensive program of environmental preservation can emerge from a mixture of weak anthropocentric and strong non-anthropocentric positons.

Electricity use and economic development

Process theology in the style of Whitehead comes to this conclusion utilizing analogical reasoning from human experience to other entities (animals, plants, cells, rocks, atoms, and elementary particles). B. Hess has developed a method of analysis to evaluate the validity of such analogies. A careful analysis of the meta-ethical foundations of the environmental ethic found in Charles Birch and John Cobb Jr’s The Liberation of Life allows us to use Hess’s methodology to evaluate the strength of Birch and Cobb’s analogy. This does not mean that the analogy is false, but rather that it is not proven. Now, create a test set specification file (we will provide an official one later). Each line

specifies a single-domain meta batch, with a support set of size 128 and a

target set of size 1.

meta dialog

We will then describe and exemplify the reflecting team’s manner of working and give some guidelines because the process of observation has a tendency to magnify every utterance. Make sure that (1) your model has never seen the test domain before predicting

and (2) reset your model before adapting it to the support set and predicting

each dialogue. She mentioned that the women in Bangladesh are some of the most resilient ones who have survived very hard challenges. Now they are paving the way for cross-border business as well utilizing Meta’s platforms.

Nature in the Balance: Symmetry in perceived human-nature relations predicts pro-environmental attitudes

Gatekeepers are seated in powerful positions within MeTA due to their power to lend credibility, sources or pathways to a raised ‘issue’. These benefits were widely discussed and seen as integral to MeTA’s policy influencing activities. However, gatekeepers can also block the entry of policy issues into the policy process; gatekeepers have “powerful demonstration effects, signalling that certain causes are important” [19]. If gatekeepers disagree with civil society positions, this represents a significant disadvantage for civil society, insofar as their views may be silenced [23]. Here, it is likely that the policy suggestions most likely to reach policy makers are those most well-aligned to the positions already held by the policy maker or the wider government department.

  • However, for MeTA the barriers to CSO engagement were not perceived as issues arising primarily from poor technical capacity.
  • The policy dialogue then proceeded towards more focused discussions regarding educating women about digital tools.
  • Indeed, beauty is notable in its absence from most of the major works on process metaphysics, which tend to focus on Whitehead’s Science and the Modern World and Process and Reality.
  • In the case of MeTA, issue acceptance occurs at the internal level of MeTA and at the level of MeTA-government relations.
  • Actors have varying levels of power within MeTA and power imbalances were evident, particularly where civil society were underrepresented or only involved in consultative processes.
  • This does not mean that the analogy is false, but rather that it is not proven.

All participants were taken through the informed-consent procedure prior to interviewing, including a request to record the interview if the participant was willing. Participants were also informed of their right to withdraw at any time without any consequences. The datasets analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The major difference between MAML (Finn et al., 2017) and normal training is step 4 to step 8. The model evaluates the batch of data and updating the optimizer later on (i.e., step 9).

Simple data filtering in rough set systems

The qualitative nature of the study means that this research draws heavily on the personal experiences of civil society members. The possibility of participants wanting to shine a favourable light on the work of their own organisations should also be considered, as should wishes not to offend country governments by portraying them as unresponsive. The panel discussion ended with the key takeaways that came up from the discussion of the panelists and hopes of establishing #SheMeansBusiness on a larger scale in Bangladesh. This will ensure a more robust economic growth of the country and the global economy at large by increasing women’s economic empowerment through digital literacy. Domain adaptation is an essential task in dialog system building because there are so many new dialog tasks created for different needs every day.

meta dialog

There is a sophisticated academic debate on the ‘democratic deficit’ in global policy-making and the approaches necessary to make public policy-making more accountable [26]. Despite this, issues of accountability were rarely, if ever, explicitly discussed during the interviews. It is argued that multi-sectoral networks should be embedded in a pluralistic system of accountability, making use of a combination of accountability, as outlined by Benner and colleagues [27]. For example, they may employ measures of “internal accountability” (oversight committees) or “reputational accountability” (naming and shaming) [27]. It is likely that more rigorous and systematic accountability mechanisms are needed within MeTA in order to maintain the legitimacy of decision-making processes. Overall, further research into the power structure of local MeTA councils and meetings would be useful in order to identify the conditions under which stakeholders act collaboratively.

Electricity consumption-growth nexus: evidence from panel data for transition countries

This study suggests that, particularly where government officials are serving as chairs, clear guidelines to government engagement within MeTA should be formulated in order to ensure that proper checks and balances are put in place. This would represent a step towards ensuring that no one actor has the power to sign off on policy changes within MeTA. Furthermore, clearly defined goals and specific expected outputs should be designed by each MeTA country group in order to focus and motivate MeTA members and ensure accountability. In this way, actors may be more open to the strategies of other sectors if these strategies appear useful for achieving agreed upon goals. This may involve the use of professional facilitation or introduction of specific measures to “level the playing field” through, for example, formalised power-sharing rules, or increased representation of “weaker” stakeholder groups. This research explored the opinions and perceptions of civil society organisations in the MeTA multi-stockholder dialogue process.

meta dialog

Where civil society positions did not correlate with the government’s own agenda, ministers’ own policy agendas were often identified as a strong factor in inhibiting or enabling civil society participation outside of MeTA. In most countries, the strength of government depended on the relative importance of certain issues to ministers. At LightCastle, we take a data-driven approach to create opportunities for growth and impact.