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Then learn, reflect, and try some new things based on the feedback. Now that we have been meeting remotely for some time — and may continue for the foreseeable future — the timing may be ideal for this step. How can we expect our remote meetings to be effective if we never talk about what makes for a good one and what we should avoid? With your attendees, periodically create mutual expectations about what makes for a good remote meeting.

Team members can easily follow along and comprehend your talking points and ideas if you share your screen with them. It’s simple to switch presenters so that a different employee can quickly explain a new subject by virtually sharing your computer screen with attendees. If you can, schedule your meeting several weeks beforehand to give remote employees enough time to reschedule their schedules to accommodate the meeting.

Later, you can eliminate any ideas that seem unviable momentarily from the list. There will be no face-to-face discussions, nor will the attendees be physically present. Even outside of this new normal, a coffee shop might be a great place for work but is a hub of distractions for one on ones.

If you wait for everyone to log onto the platform to start the meeting, you will waste time. Once the remote team members know that you’re punctual, they will log onto the meeting platform on time. Punctuality ensures the remote meeting starts and ends as scheduled. Now that we’ve covered the tools you’ll need for remote meetings, let’s dive into some tips for online meetings for both organizers and attendees. And sometimes you need to schedule more than one meeting during the day.

The secret behind check-in questions is that they build emotional connections with team members and ease them into the conversation. Let’s look at some good check-in questions for virtual one-on-one meetings. The key to a how to run a successful remote meeting successful one-on-one meeting is asking the right questions. In fact, it’s safe to say a one-on-one meeting is a Q&A session where the manager asks focused questions about the employee’s personal and professional life.

Don’t invite everyone on your team if they don’t have to be there. If someone isn’t participating during a call, it’s likely because they don’t need to be there in the future. Take notes and don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy based on performance. Remote meetings require a unique set of tools, etiquette, planning, and execution. They have the potential to enhance working life and draw out the very best in the time you have together. On the other hand, they can flop and go south pretty quickly.

To make employees divulge their most covered struggles, you need to create an ambiance that guarantees safety. These tips can help your online meetings feel more like in-person meetings. By reducing the number of distractions and technical hiccups, you help your team spend more energy engaging with each other than they do wrestling with technology. If possible, make space in the agenda for Q&A time at the end of the meeting. This gives you a chance to clarify any miscommunications and clear up any confusion. It’s also helpful to include a brief wrap-up where you reiterate action items and what people should work on for the next meeting.

What to Do After the Meeting?

It should state the tasks related to the meeting and the people responsible for them. Minutes are essential because they record the meeting’s proceedings, what you’ve decided, and the people responsible for the action items or tasks from the meeting. Today, every manager needs to know how to run a successful remote team meeting. As important as discussing things and finding solutions is assigning everyone who participated in the meeting deliverables and action items to implement the plan.

  • Your employees who work entirely remotely might not be familiar with the other team members.
  • A good minute captures important information and key decisions made during the meeting.
  • For example, running a hybrid meeting is likely to disrupt, especially during participation time.
  • If you can see each other, you know whether or not your coworker is engaged in the meeting.

Smaller meetings enable staff to converse freely and get to know one another without the distractions that a larger gathering might bring. Before settling on a remote meeting software, it is advisable to do a test run with it. The test run allows users to adapt and understand the software’s benefits and shortcomings.

Conduct small meetings

Video conferencing plus VoIP platforms offer a more enterprise-appropriate solution to remote meetings. These are platforms that allow meeting organizers to schedule calls in advance, send out mass email invitations with unique access links and call-in numbers. They also enable users to choose how they want to join the call. This type of platform is ideal for larger remote meetings or town halls that host attendees from various locations. Creating a virtual meeting agenda is crucial for remote meetings where communication can be challenging.

how to run a successful remote meeting

Additionally, it reminds staff members of any assignments or tasks they may have. Sending deadlines in the follow-up for the employees’ reference is important. Your employees who work entirely remotely might not be familiar with the other team members.

Auto Scheduling

Corporate and non-profit boards can use our platform to conduct remote board meetings. Whether you’re a hybrid or fully remote organization, our board portal software has all the functionalities you need to succeed. A board of directors discusses your organization’s financial stability and strategies in private.

how to run a successful remote meeting

One great way to help a long meeting run effectively is by offering short breaks. Everyone appreciates a “reset” during a long meeting or task, and this will ensure participants stay focused, motivated, and engaged during the meeting. On the same note of alerting participants of the meeting ahead of time, it’s also important to share the agenda. Sharing the agenda will allow participants to prepare for the meeting. They will be able to prepare their necessary contributions, gather any questions they may have, and share completed work and tasks. People tend to respond more effectively and efficiently when they are aware of expectations ahead of time, so this will help your meeting run more smoothly.

Follow up with the remote team members to ensure they accomplish the tasks you assigned them during the meeting. If specific people lead discussions of the agenda items, identify them on their particular topic. As a result, you will run the meeting smoothly since everyone will be ready for their responsibilities. Keep your meeting minutes organized with this simple template for taking down meeting notes. You can later attach it with the recap email or share it on your Slack channel to give access to others.

Set up the meeting five minutes before start time

Use available chat room technology, not for side conversations but for attendees to communicate that they want to speak or that they missed something. For some meetings, the chat room can be used as a second channel of communication that the leader or another attendee moderates. Utilizing the technological tools at your disposal helps increase involvement and engagement. Draw in virtual attendees (for example, “Sasha, please share your thoughts”) to keep them engaged. You might even consider keeping a tally to be sure all are contributing and all voices are heard, as some successful professors do. Lastly, don’t let people ramble or go off course; kindly interrupting, if necessary, is your job as a meeting leader.

how to run a successful remote meeting

They also ensure the whole remote meeting setup is working correctly. Consider increasing your normal cadence while your employees are remote. Beyond technical issues, it can be helpful to have a casual discussion with your team about meeting etiquette and audio/video best practices. Knowing what they’re about to participate in will help your team prepare properly.

Take and share notes.

Team MeetingsCollaborate on meeting agendas, take notes in real-time, and end every team meeting with an action plan. And the risk of running over can mean that people miss other meetings or critical work time. The agenda should assign roles like facilitator, timekeeper, and note-taker, as well as outline the topics that will be discussed, and the time needed to discuss them. Make sure to share the agenda with participants at least a day ahead of the meeting so that they can prepare. Since remote board meetings lack face-to-face interaction, some of the subtleties of interaction may be lost. Meetings with passive listening won’t help you reach your goals.

Click the button to start reading

This can be through a screen share or with someone standing at a traditional whiteboard with a camera broadcasting the information. Taking meeting notes is especially important when you’re a distributed team. It helps you keep a record of the ideas that get discussed and can be very beneficial when one person has to catch up after having to miss or skip the group call. For example, you could schedule a recurring team meeting on Mondays.

Tip #5 Keep employees engaged by assigning different roles

Use bullet points and brief descriptions so attendees can scan and digest the content in less than a minute. At their best, meetings drive collaboration, build consensus, and disseminate information. At their worst, they waste time, kill momentum, and sow confusion.

Of course, some remote teams are large, and it would consume a lot of time if all the participants were to introduce themselves. In that case, the meeting leader and attendees who will handle topics on the agenda should introduce themselves. Therefore, schedule ten to fifteen minutes of introduction to engage the attendees during the meeting. The meeting tool you use plays an integral part in the success of your remote team meeting. Depending on the nature of the meeting (video or audio-only), choose the tool that suits your specific needs. Here are the crucial factors to consider when picking a virtual meeting tool.